Civic Groups in Orangeville Illinois
The following is a list of civic groups in Orangeville, IL. They are organized by churches, civic organizations and recreational & social organizations.
Recreational & Social Organizations
Country Swingers (Square Dancers)
Grade School Cafeteria, 310 S. East St. | (815) 789-4413 | (815) 789-3361
7:30pm, 1st Saturday of the month during the school year
Mighty Richland Players (theater)
Masonic Hall, 203 W. High St. | (815) 541-6900
Seasonal productions & variable rehearsal schedule; actors, singers & volunteers welcome
Moonspinners (Spinning & Weaving Guild)
United Methodist Ch., 111 S. East St. | (815) 563-4911
7pm – 9pm, 3rd Wednesday of the month
O'ville Athletic Association
(815) 789-4772
Baseball (K-12), sign-up is in April for the summer season
Basketball (grades 1-6), Saturday morning at the grade school, November – March
Senior Citizen's Pot Luck
United Methodist Ch., 111 S. East St. | (815) 789-4486
12pm, last Monday of the month during the school year
Area Churches
Grace Evangelical
210 S. Main St., Orangeville | (815) 789-4606
Sunday School: 9am | Worship Service: 10am Sunday
Prayer Service: 7pm Wednesday
United Methodist Church
111 S. East St., Orangeville | (815) 789-3170
Worship Service: 9:15am Sunday | Sunday School: 9:30am
Youth Group: 5pm, on the 2nd & 4th Sunday
Bible Study: 9:30am, 1st & 3rd Tuesday
UM Women: 7:30pm, 2nd Tuesday
Quilting: 9am – 3pm during the school year, Thursday
Civic Organizations
American Legion
Village Hall, 301 S. East St., O'ville | Richard Fox, President| (815) 871-3584
7pm, 2nd Thursday of the month
Orangeville Lion's Club
Village Hall, 301 S. East St., O'ville | Sabrina Lewis, President |
7pm, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month
A Community Together (ACT)
Community Bank, 401 S. Church St., O'ville |Scott Setterstrom, President | (815) 789-4212 **Meetings 3rd Monday of the Month, 5:00pm
Orangeville Community Development Corporation (OCDC)
Harry Bowen, President | (815) 789-4451
Masons Lodge 687
Masonic Hall, 203 W. High St., O'ville | (608) 558-5741
7:30pm, 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month
Boy Scouts Troop 19
Faith United Methodist, Freeport
(815) 789-4241
7pm Monday
BSA Venture Crew
Various locations & times — call for info.
(815) 789-4241
Cub Scouts, Pack 687
Grade School Cafeteria, 310 S. East St. | (815) 789-4755
6:30pm – 8pm Tuesday
Girl Scouts (Trp.7 & 8, Grp. 410)
United Methodist Ch., 111 S. East St. | (815) 789-3114
6:30pm, 1st, 3rd & 5th Monday of the month (September – May)
4H Club (Snappy Snazzers)
United Methodist Ch., 111 S. East St. | (815) 789-4581 or (608) 214-2156
7:30pm, 1st Monday of the month